Fill out the form and we will promptly contact you to clarify all your questions.

With the daily solution, you can freely sail with our boats.
The time limit is a maximum of 8 hours, choosing the departure time at your convenience, with the certainty of always finding the chosen boat available for the entire day

Monthly / Weekly
With the monthly or weekly solution, you can develop packages that include multiple outings.
The time limit for each outing is always 8 hours in total.
This all needs to be agreed upon with the staff prior to the start of the upcoming week or month.
In both cases, we guarantee the perfect functionality of the rented boat, ensuring full compliance with safety regulations during navigation.
If you choose to rent the MOCHI 33 yacht, the presence of one of our skippers is mandatory.
The AR NAUTICA fleet consists of a wide range of boats that can adapt to the various needs of crews while adhering to high standards of comfort, safety, and reliability.
Our boats all have on-board services such as:
AWNINGS, SHOWER, STEREO AUDIO SYSTEM, DRINKS FRIDGE, and everything you need to spend a fantastic day discovering the wonders of the amazing Amalfi Coast.